Halo Reach Forge – A Halo Modding Inspired Editor?

Halo Reach - Forge World

Halo Reach - Forge World

Bungie recently took the wraps off the Forge editor at Comic Con for their upcoming title Halo Reach, it is a huge improvement over the previous version included with Halo 3, which was safe to say quite clunky and restrictive. It is now a very clean, very usable editor with fine-tuned controls and a better object collision system allowing for more control over objects and the way they interact with each other.

But what people may not know is that the Halo Community itself wanted this, a long time ago and what a group of hackers achieved in 2004 was a map editor for the original Halo (xBox) – all well before Halo 3’s in-game version which shipped September 25th 2007.

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