Hide Dreamweaver CS4 / CS5 File View Columns

Want to hide certain Dreamweaver CS4 / CS5 file view columns? For example the columns ‘local files’, ‘size’, ‘type’, ‘modified’ and ‘checked out by’? I couldn’t find anything on the net about this so thought I’d stick a blog post up.

The ability to do this is hidden away, not in the preferences and may not be immediately obvious.

To do this you need to change certain settings in the Site Manager, unfortunately you cannot set these options globally, so you will need to do this for each of your ‘Sites’. In Dreamweaver CS5 your Site Manager should look like this:

Dreamweaver Site Setup

Once you have the Site Manager open, expand the Advanced Settings tab and you should see the ‘File View Columns’ option. From here you can select which columns you wish to show, simple double click on them to bring up the column options window, like so:

Dreamweaver Site Setup Options

Check the box ‘Show’ to Hide/Hide a specific column. That should be it, you can now hide/show specific columns that you wish to see in the Files window of Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 or CS5.

Remember to do this for each Site.

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